Monday 12 September 2011

VTCC Launch....

VTCC Launch & Preparation Day

The VTCC launch began with the team journeying down to our TA Centre in Cambridge the night before. A combination of ‘carb-loading’ which I’m reliably informed is when you eat a copious amount of pizza for legitimate reasons and psyching up for the challenge itself transitioned smoothly into an early morning drive down to Horse Guards Parade in London.

When we arrived the only person standing to represent Cambridge was rider Katie who looked mildly intimidated by the swarm of Oxford team. Cambridge quickly assembled and soon the bikes were wheeled out to the rather confused looking tourists who couldn’t seem to decide which to take photos of, the changing of the Guard which was about to occur or the lycra clad students.

As the changing of the guard took place, Cambridge took the opportunity to go and watch with a few braver tourists who came to enquire what we were doing and what the challenge was all about.  After all this had occurred both Commanding Officers for both Oxford and Cambridge arrived, and instantly became a London Tourist Attraction, and in particular Colonel Pollington seemed happy to oblige those who wanted photos with him in his uniform.

Finally, Jon Snow pulled up on his bike in a rather unlikely combination of jeans and a suit jacket and tie. As riders from both teams assembled to be addressed by a representative of ABF and then Jon Snow himself, both spoke with great words of encouragement for the teams reminding everyone just how vital fundraising like this is for both charities.

This moved to Jon and the teams lining up for a ‘victory lap’ around the parade with some rather intrepid photographers braving the bikes and crouching down to get important shots of both Oxford and Cambridge.
Truthfully it was an inspiring day, both witnessing the Changing of the Guard and hearing both charities explaining why this money is so important. All will begin tomorrow with Cambridge setting off at 0900 from Northwood. Please donate generously and follow this blog for Cambridge’s progress through the Varsity Triple Crown Challenge. 

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