About the Team

Team Profiles

Name: Trevor Aslan
Age: 23 
University: UEA
Subject: Environmental Sciences 
Team Role: Team Captain
Cycling Experience: Some competitive duathlons and sportive rides - commuting in London has taught me the most though!
Why the Challenge?: Firstly it'll be a great test of endurance which is right up my street, and secondly the event should go a long way to raising awareness of the continued support that these charities provide to both serving and ex-military men and women. 
Preparation: Taking on the hills and dodging the traffic. 

Name: Richard McLellan
 Age: 22       
University: UEA
Subject: Environmental Sciences 
Team Role: 2nd in Command
Cycling Experience: Recreational cyclist and competitive triathlete 
Why the Challenge?: Great opportunity to take part in a competitive endurance event,while raising much needed awareness and funds for the two charities.
Preparation: 'Getting the miles in!'

Name: Rob Joles
Age: 19
University: Cambridge 
Subject: Geography
Team Role: Rider
Cycling Experience: Started road cycling in March having bought my bike on eBay. Getting into it before I went to train with the US Army. Since coming back I've tried to get back into it as soon as possible.
Why the Challenge?: Great opportunity to push myself to the limit, while raising money and awareness for a good cause at the same time.
Preparation: I've been training in the peak district with a friend where we've been hitting the hills pretty hard!

Name: Emma Byatt 
Age: 20
University: Cambridge
Subject: Medicine
Team Role: Rider

Name: Zoe Rutterford
Age: 27
University: Cambridge
Subject: Plant Sciences
Team Role: Rider
Cycling Experience: I invested in my 'Ribble' road bike 3 years ago as I made the transition from rowing to 'multisports'. Initially the aim was to use the bike purely for fun rides down from Cambridge to the family farm in Essex but I soon began participating in sprint triathlons and my interest has grown from there.
Why the Challenge?: The charity we are raising funds for has provided me with personal inspiration because I know individuals who are benefiting directly from their work. I'm motivated by our fundraising target and the opportunity to win another Varisty match against the dark blues.
Preparation: Unlike many of the undergrad students I haven't had a summer vacation to prepare for the race. It's been a matter of squeezing in the training sessions around office hours... through commutes to work, training rides in the long summer evenings and endurance races at weekends. I've just returned from training in Ayreshire over the bank holiday; aside from that I have been doing about 100 miles per week on my bike, the commute to and from work is a brilliant way to reflect and regroup mentally. In addition I still train for pentathlon (2 x 60 min swims and 2 x 40 min running session per week).

Name: Tom Betts 
Age: 24
University: UEA
Subject: Intergrated Science
Team Role: Rider &  Sponsorship Rep
Cycling Experience:  I had absolutely no experience of cycling before I started training for the VTCC. I could count the number of times I've ridden ANY bike over the last ten years on one hand.
Why the Challenge?: I'm doing the VTCC for many reasons. At first I was drawn in by the chance to raise a good amount of money and awareness for the ABF. As the training has worn on, I've focused more on the physical challenge of cycling - one of the most demanding sports in the world. To compete within a competition that requires this level of endurance and mental strength is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I couldn't possibly miss (even if i started with a less than enthusiastic opinion of bicycles)
Preparation: A lot of my preparation involved gaining confidence on a road bike. Now, over many miles, the wobbles have gone and the physical endurance has come with it - I can't wait to add my winning mentality to a fantastic team.

Name: Hannah McInroy-Naylor
Age: 20
University: UEA
Subject: International Relations and History
Team Role: Rider
Cycling Experience: Next to nothing until I signed up for this challenge... now I' practically a pro!
Why the Challenge?: Cycling has always appealed to me, but I've never had a road bike before. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to buy one, in addition to raising money for a good cause. I enjoy challenging myself, and to see the country on two wheels sounded like fun!
Preparation: Trying to to at least three rides a week, in addition to going on the turbo trainer. I've also done some hill sessions. 

Name: Katie Rellis
Age: 19
University: UEA
Subject: Philosophy
Team Role:  Rider
Cycling Experience: Not much before this, I could ride a bike! Before university I had never really cycled anywhere and then at university bought a bike to use as transport. I've also joined the university triathlon club and raced a few triathlons.
Why the Challenge?: I love a challenge and the VTCC is certainly that! It's an endurance event that'll test up both mentally and physically, and when complete will be a great achievement. The event itself will also also be a great experience (as well as painful). It's also a great way of raising money and awareness for two worthy charities; Combat Stress and ABF The Soldiers' Charity.
Preparation: Lots and lots cycling! Cycling to here, there and everywhere. I’ve been cycling at every opportunity I can find (or make). I’ve been annoying friends and family with my obsession and constant refusal to get in a car or any other form of public transport to get somewhere. If I have to be somewhere then I see it as a perfect opportunity to get some training in!

Name: Michael Cannon
Age: 20
University: UEA
Subject: Philosophy
Team Role:  Rider
Cycling Experience: 1000 miles unsupported across France with my brother in the summer of 2010
Why the Challenge?: I relish a good challenge, love to bike and its all for a great cause.
Preparation: Getting the miles in combined with strength and interval training

Name: Alex Yorke
Age: 20
University: UEA
Subject: Computer Sciences
Team Role:  Rider
Cycling Experience:Recreational cyclist, 100km race on a mountain bike. 
Why the Challenge? I'm game for nearly anything, Its an amazing opportunity to test myself and raise funds for two well deserving charities. 
Preparation: getting the miles in...