Saturday 17 September 2011

Day 6: Carlisle to Liverpool

Day 6: Half the climbs, double the rhymes.
Today started with an ominous grey cloud over Walcot, as we awoken in less luxurious but equally welcome surroundings to Edinburgh Castle. A grey cloud turned into grey rain as the morning progressed but a team start at the actual barracks with slightly cheering as it meant a 30 minute lie in from yesterday. The breakfast was a highlight as it included Frosties and then it was onto a final bike check and a turbo train to warm up Hannah’s knees and they were off on the next 100 mile stint.

A grey, drizzly morning turned into torrential rain that transformed into excessive puddles that gave the riders a sufficient bathing of legs, face and hair. The car struggled with the puddles so it wasn’t surprising that the riders took to referring to them as rivers. Both Katie and Rob took racing tumbles, with Rob suffering a detached chain whilst going up the hill and Katie failing to clip her shoes in. However none were hurt, and because of the rain they didn’t get any wetter. Optimistic thinking at its finest.

The first RV took place in a pub car park, The Shop Inn in Caton who graciously let us use both their toilets and car park. Waiting for the teams, once again lemon cupcakes and chocolate cakes were there to provide both sugar and incentive to keep going. Once the team blasted in, soaked to the skin they were provided with sustenance and foil blankets before zooming off again creating a spray of water as they progressed.
Moving off to the second RV, it was a grateful pit stop to refuel the command clown car and then some on the fly map reading as we commandeered a second car park The Corporation Arms in Longridge. It wasn’t long before the teams managed to overtake two support vehicles who had gotten stuck behind an accident on the M6 and came in. With only a large bar of chocolate and some French sweets were refuelled them as best we could with the RSM running to the pub to refill water bottles. As the support vehicles pulled in we passed bananas and flapjacks to the hungry riders.

After that it was a smooth car drive through some undulating and sodden ground that caused the tiny car to be drenched on more than occasion. To another car park the Lord Nelson pub in Croston. We seemed to have been especially fortunate with pub carparks for this stretch of the challenge. It wasn’t long before the cyclists came pouring in, to the grateful support staff who positively threw foil blankets and recovery drinks at them. Another day crossed off, now up to 600 miles. As we journeyed to Altcar Camp which was fully of cadets who seemed to find the presence of so many adults dressed in cycling gear or civilian confusing perplexing, but with a hot main meal in them the cyclists began their pre-race prep and began to bed down for the night.

We’re on the home stretch now, it’s 400 miles left and the riders are getting better and better. However I will take this opportunity to thank the support staff on their behalf. Anna providing cakes and this evening marshmallow creations, Louisa massaging all the team so they’re ready for race day tomorrow. Not to mention CSM Tuffs for his driving and patience with many bike shops, and the RSM for co-ordinating everything. The team are smashing the challenge and the support staff are helping every pedal of the way.
This is all for charity, please look to the right for the links to JustGiving. It would mean a lot to ABF, the Soldiers Charity and Combat Stress.

Finally thanks go to:
Sutcliffe’s Cycles, Cyclelife, Preston.
Cycle Centre in Kirby, Steven
For all their help.
Bring on Shrewsbury

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