Monday 12 September 2011

CUOTC's day one.....Breezy and Bananas

Day 1 Northwood to Peterborough- Windy is an understatement!

Day 1 of the Varsity Challenge kicked off with an exceptionally early start, the riders and support team waking up at 0500 in Cambridge after a restless night sleep in a loud drill hall. At 0530 we were en route to Northwood Camp where we were warmly met by representatives from both the Army and Navy who seemed equally bemused and grateful for our presence. In such a hi-tech and good looking base the nervous yet eager riders seemed to stand out so much more in their bright blue Cambridge UOTC cycling uniform.

At a brief speech by the camp’s 2ic (a former OC of the brilliant Artillery Wing for CUOTC) the team was off to a stellar start, speeding off into the distance. The mood had improved drastically from first thing in the morning when it varied from a depressing drizzle to what could optimistically be described as a downpour. It had brightened to a cheerful grey as the teams crested the first slope and disappeared from the supporters sights.

As the morning progressed Rider Zoe Rutterford (who had spoken excellently on BBC Radio Cambridge Breakfast Show) had a small pavement exfoliation incident which involved a change of wheel with many thanks to Richardsons Cycles & Accessories who came to her rescue. After that miniscule break CUOTC got back on the road with little other incident.

At the first rendezvous point in Puckeridge in Hertfordshire where a friendly local landowner let us pull over to resupply the riders. Though a few faces were tired, there were still smiles, especially after Clif bar consumption and a refuel of maximuscle supplements. Not to mention all the bananas.

And once again they were off, with the stamina astounding not only passers- by but also the supporting team. Then the next point was Hilton in Cambridgeshire, where a pub car park provided a perfect stopping point to once again eat a copious amount of bagels and bananas which seem to one of the main refuelling foods of choice.

The reports at that point was coming in with some strong winds which had rattled the riders but they’d persevered. Apparently riding at an obtuse angle to the ground wasn’t in the morning’s brief. Unfortunately Rider Rob didn’t come out of the day with a tan but the rest of the day was sunny and after the first sixty miles the ride got a lot steadier for the team.

Finally, pulling into the 200 Squadron of 158 Royal Logistic Corps’ TA Centre where we were given an extremely warm welcome. Followed swiftly by the riders who with some extensive and rather humorous stretching were ready for their large carbohydrate intake. After a large meal of pasta and rice a brief turbo training session for Rider Huffie who is subbing in tomorrow to get her legs going it was time to head to bed.

Not only does our room in the TA centre smell of Mint-ease and the almond oil that masseuse Louisa is using to make sure  the riders are geared up for tomorrow but there is the faint smell of banana lingering in the air….

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