Thursday 15 September 2011

Day 2: Peterborough to Hull

CUOTC VTCC Day 2 Peterborough to Hull

Day two began in infinitely better conditions to day one, with the team being housed in the luxurious TA centre in Peterborough, where the boys enjoyed leather (and in the RSM’s case) floral sofas and the girls a private room with an inspirational picture of Princess Anne to wake up to. After a longer sleep and a lovely breakfast cooked for us by the helpful 200 squadron of 158 RLC the cyclists, not content with only 100 miles in one day, decided to cycle to the start point rather then load up the van. After originally being quoted “only three miles” to the start point it turned into eleven bringing the total to 116 miles travelled today.

Shortly after the support team followed, the minibus driven by JUO Anna Gillespie and guided by rider Hannah McInroy-Naylor, the van with CSM Tuffs and team masseuse Louisa Saldahna and finally RSM Shaw, the team manager, and myself in what is affectionately referred to as either a clown car or a hairdressers car.
Team Cambridge were off to a speedy start, with the clown car finding an ideal location for the teams to come in for their first rest stop. After stopping off in Chapel Hill, Lincolnshire we received reports that with high spirits the team tackled a rather flat but extremely windy ride. Rider Katie is proud to state they looked more professional today and they ‘meant business’.

Then it was onto the support team, after assisting with refuelling the riders with both bagels and bananas (which may become a running theme to this blog- rider Mike has consumed over 12 bagels to date and Katie is struggling to count the number of bananas but estimates it will remain a steady four a day.)
Onto the next rendezvous point which was placed next a sadly unopened pub. Waiting there for a short period before the riders arrived WOCdt Katrina Tipler, a native to Lincolnshire appeared with a cardboard morale sign (“Go CUOTC”) and many words of encouragement. This obviously boosted the teams spirits in a noticeable way, as well as the lemon drizzle cake provided by the support team in celebration of Rider Alex’s 21st Birthday!

After mainlining cake, bagels, Clif Bars and Maximuscle supplements the team were ready to go and hit the road again, cycling off into the distance with Katrina providing a windbreak for about three miles of their journey with her car- not to mention the loud music she blasted out. Combined with former CUOTC student Tom Wilkinson laying down a sign for the team to cheer at as they cycled by his workplace.

The success continued with the final RV point being outside Barton-upon-Humber where the team pulled in at a picnic area and engaged in some rather flexible looking stretches much to the amusement of the other road users. A swift minibus rider later and the team and support staff landed at Normandy Barracks, Lecconfield to a warm welcome in the Officers Mess. To the cheers of the team the RSM announced that there were proper bedrooms and bathrooms (ice baths anyone?) and dinner is much looked forward to.

Newcastle tomorrow, await more Twitter and blog updates. Please donate for ABF and Combat stress on the JustGiving page or text “ARMY CAMBRIDGE” to 70700. This challenge is all for charity, please give the team a morale boost and take the time to donate. Thank you. 

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