Wednesday 4 May 2011

The Varsity Challenge is Officially Launched! An Entry from Team 2IC Rich McLellan

110 miles and lots of smiles (for the cameras) :) 
Rider Emma Byatt 

Tuesday 3rd May marked the greatly anticipated launch of the Varsity Triple Crown Challenge 2011. The Imperial War Museum, London, was chosen as the location where the teams would meet face to face to officially bring the event into the limelight.

The day started early for Emma Byatt, Zoe Rutterford and myself as we left Cambridge on our bikes for the 55 mile training ride to London. As the sun had only just begun to rise, we were met with numb fingers and toes for the first hour or so which required a brief stop to layer up with some warmer clothes. The route took us mainly along minor roads which allowed us to practise ‘riding on each other’s wheel’ (riding close behind another rider to benefit from less wind resistance). This is a skill which we must all be confident with in order to ride most efficiently as a group during the challenge in September. The pleasant road conditions turned out to represent the calm before the storm, the storm being London! After stripping off our warm clothes to reveal the glorious light blue of our training kit, the last 10 miles of the ride tested our skills riding through heavy traffic. We managed to do this safely, and arrived at The Imperial War Museum for a well earned break before the launch.

The two teams meeting at the launch
The launch was a grand affair. It was attended by representatives from both our supporting charities (ABF The Soldiers Charity and Combat Stress), famous faces such as Corporal Terry Byrne (a world champion track para-cyclist), and members of local and national press. Retired Brigadier Robin Bacon from ABF The Soldiers Charity opened the event with a speech outlining the nature of the challenge. This was followed by a statement by each team giving their motivation behind them taking part in the event. As well as raising the profile of our two charities, and much needed funds, both teams had something else in common... the desire to win! Following the official launch, there were opportunities to speak to Corporal Byrne to get some tips such as ‘get your tyres up to 140psi and just take the punctures if you want to win’, as well as to pose for the numerous press photographers (I think I’ve found my new calling in life!).

Riders Byatt, McLellan and Rutterford
Following the launch, Emma and I set off for the return leg of our training ride back to Cambridge. Although much warmer now, we were faced with a strong headwind, and the route turned out to be a bit more uphill than anticipated. Despite this, and with the help of our sponsor, CLIF Bar and some Nobbys Nuts from a village pub, we made it back into Cambridge in good time. The focus was then on recovery, which for me included applying Mint-Ease to help soothe the legs.

In all, the day had been a great success. The launch allowed us to really raise the profile of the event, and get us pumped up for beating Oxford. The training ride reminded us that nutrition is key, and that there is still a lot of work to do before September.

Richard McLellan

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