Wednesday 25 May 2011

Training from Team Captain Trev

An excerpt from Team Captain Trev Aslan's training diary. As you can see, he's working hard and "getting the miles in" but we still need your support!
“This week the team got the confirmation that two brand new Garmin Edge 800 GPS units had been ordered and would be delivered to us soon. These will be essential to guide us through every twist and turn of our 1,000 miles around England, Scotland and Wales whilst racing against the Oxford team, and is another good bit of news for us as the event really starts to takes shape. We also took delivery some more Clif Bar products who have been a great sponsor from the offset.
With this news I decided to do a confirmation ride of the route I had plotted for Leg 1 from London to Peterborough (just to make sure we wouldn’t be sent the wrong way down a one-way street!). Starting from Wellington Barracks (which is home to the various Foot Guards Battalions whilst conducting public duties) the route out of central London takes in plenty of sites including Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square and Big Ben before heading out of north London and eventually getting into the countryside. These rolling and quiet roads of Hertfordshire made quite a difference from the rush and 500 sets of traffic lights in London and it’s outskirts, but I had a sense of excitement throughout knowing that in a couple of months time we’d be riding this same route as hard as we can endure. Just before the 50 mile mark I turned back and headed home (and got a puncture!).

The online website that we have used to plot our route is MapMyRide and it is free to use its basic features.”

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