Monday 18 April 2011

Hannah McInroy Naylor's Training Diary

Hannah McInroy Naylor gives us a short account of her recent training experiences:

I have to admit that I was slightly pensive about cycling more than ten miles for the first time in about two years when I set out to begin my training. As a novice on a road bike, the first few miles were a bit wobbly, and discovering an irrational fear of roundabouts was another minor problem. I soon settled into the saddle, and became quickly comfortable on the bike. Comfortable probably isn’t the best word to use; sitting down was a bit awkward for a few days after!

As part of my training since, I have cycled from Brandon to Norwich – about 40 miles. The cycling itself wasn’t too hard, but as I had been home for the weekend, I had a 10kg day sack on my back. My legs and bum – the things that I thought would hurt – were fine, whereas my shoulders and back ached from the weight of the bag. I have also cycled to the Norfolk coast, starting at 7am, and arriving at the beach just in time for breakfast.

Not the longest ride I have done, but perhaps the hardest (on the way back anyway), was a 30 mile ride, with a half marathon sandwiched in the middle. As the race was in South Walsham, Tom and I thought it would be a brilliant idea to cycle there. The journey there was fine, as was the run, but the cycle on the way back proved less than fun, especially when faced with a head wind for the majority of the way. It felt good when we got back though, and I hope to do a few more ‘duathlon’ type things in the future! 

Keep following for more training diaries and updates from the riders and the fund raising team. 

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